E.E. Cummings "As is the sea..." read by Shaun Evans
Meet our artists.
Image based on artwork by Bronia Gardner
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
"For me, all the questions boil down to: the answer is paint." Brady is a classically trained artist whose work can be found in Utah museums and galleries.
"My two passions that became my professions - acting and photography - work perfectly together for me, as I constantly strive for finding the beauty and revealing the truth in everything."
"Inspiration is everywhere." An actor and a film director, Shaun also writes - and is a quiet, intensely observant photographer.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Julie's ability to create sensitive, nuanced, devastating illustrations is subordinate to her broader talent of a storyteller.
London, UK
A founding member of the band "Japan", Steve went on to have a quiet yet exquisite career as a musician and composer. The watchful poise that marks his music is evident in his photography as well.
"Writer of Words. Mother of Wolfhounds. Grower of Vegetables. Baker of Bread." Originally a Londoner, Clare now lives on Scotland's north-west coast and is working on her first novel. Her writing is often described as speculative, neo-noir or modern gothic.
"Leaving high school, I thought I was going to be an actress, but I didn't think I would handle rejection well, so I decided to go to art school instead, hence, no rejection, just acceptance!"